This is my 100th post! I started this post last week and wanted it to be super great and maybe include a giveaway, but that's not going to happen. Though I'd love to do a giveaway, I have major issues making decisions. Just ask Husby. I have to talk through everything and every option with him. I know he loves it. After all, he really does care what I order for dinner when we're out. Ha! So, I couldn't decide on what I should giveaway. And what if people don't really want it? That's a bust. So, I'm going for the typical, bland post. Welcome to my blog!
Can I tell you how much I love etsy? Umm, maybe too much. I've known about it for a couple of years and love to just browse through the pretty things. But last week...last week I actually bought things! (SEE, IT TOOK TWO YEARS TO BUY SOMETHING. TWO YEARS!) I bought things that I saw on other blogs and things that I've wanted and things that I love. It's all artwork, and I can't wait to use it!
Some of the purchases will be stashed away until we have a nursery. (Not preggers, no need to ask.) But some will go up ASAP. And by that, I mean, as soon as I can find cheap enough frames. Since they're a little bigger than the typical 50% off Hobby Lobby frames, I'll have to wait for the poster frames to go on sale. It really excites me to have some art in our house.
Said purchases include:

Don't you love them?! I do! I have so many more pieces that I'm dying to have at some point. Here are some etsy sellers that are my favorites; choosing one piece from each will be tricky: Studio Mela, John W Golden, and Dutch Door Press.
Happy May!
YAY! So glad you got the Studio Mela print! I have never regretted it - it encourages me everyday. I need to see your place one day :)
Love 'em sis! Esp. the one with the dog! You have awesome taste.
Love you, mom
"Keep calm and carry on." Wow. This will now be my life's motto. I have a real knack for gettin' bent out of shape.
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