
18 February 2010

Snow Day 2010

Now that everyone in Texas and the Deep South has posted pictures of the snow on facebook and blogs, mine are ready to go! Aren't you excited? Today's weather is hovering at 60 degrees--much different than this time last week.

(On a side note, I appreciate you reading my blog, especially when topics are as exciting as the weather.)

(Obviously, I live a boring life.)

Husby and I were outside taking pictures by 7am. Sure, I'd been sick the day before, but it was worth it. And what else is there to do on a snow day besides lounge all day?

Okay, in all honesty, though sick the night before, once we realized some snow had accumulated, I declared that snow ice cream must be made. Funny, but it wasn't as good as I remembered it the two times I had it as a kid. But it sure was cute in our Mr. & Mrs. mugs.

Thanks for spending your time with an update of last week's weather.

I appreciate it.


1 comment:

  1. I agree, I love the mugs--and the snow looks cute in it. Snow ice cream wasn't good? How did you make it? We had some earlier this season and it was a new experience for me. It had a raw egg in it though....although I couldn't taste it, knowing that I could catch disease from eating uncooked egg freaked me out enough that I couldn't enjoy it (funny, cookie dough doesn't have the same effect on me).
